Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Trinity Theory

Trinity Theory. Is it an answer to some inner question? Is it a religious inquiry? Is it an exploration of philosophy? Or is it, perhaps, just a simple quest for the truth? The answers are yes, yes, yes, and yes. Trinity Theory is all of those things. To understand Trinity Theory, certain items of indefinable importance must be explained. As Trinity Theory appertains to metaphysics, the meaning of said metaphysics must be clarified. The metaphysical field is the branch of philosophy that cogitates with first principles, includes ontology and cosmology, and is intimately connected with epistemology. A first principle is any axiom, law, or abstraction assumed and regarded as representing the highest possible degree of generalization. Ontology is the branch of metaphysics that studies the nature of existence or being as such. Cosmology is the branch of philosophy dealing with the origin and general structure of the universe, with its parts, elements, and laws, and especially with such of its characteristics as space, time, causality, and freedom. Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. Teleology, also referred to as teleological doctrine of causation, is the doctrine that phenomena are guided not only by mechanical forces but that they also move toward certain goals of self-realization. Also, it assumes that final causes do indeed exist.
The understanding of the ideas that have been presented thus far now leads back to the main focus, Trinity Theory. Trinity Theory states that sentient beings, made of three parts, strive to grow, strengthen, and expand them through daily life. At any one time, any or all of them can be worked upon. While all three are closely connected, working on one will indirectly develop another. Basically, Trinity is the three-part quintessence of the divine being. In saying this, I mean to convey that there are three ontological parts that are the very ingredients of the metaphysical human being. These parts consist of the Mind, the élan vital, and also the Spirit. These are the going names for them, though they may be referred to under words of synonymous meanings. They are, in essence, the very quintessence of Trinity Theory.
Spirit is one of the three major parts of Trinity Theory. Spirit can be closely related to religion, and in fact, religion is a part of Spirit for some. Spirit also encompasses creeds, philosophies, and general beliefs. The Spirit is the portion of Trinity Theory in which the philosophy, belief system, or creed is formed, molded, and augmented. This will allow growth in the essence of a human through belief and purpose. While some believe that humans may not have a purpose, that belief can be considered a part of Spirit. The Spirit can be grown through religious study, through moral consciousness, and through finding one's own beliefs, or truths. Philosophy, or possibly even dogma, would be good wording to describe what this means.
The élan vital, or the soul, as it has been called, is one of three major parts of Trinity Theory. It may also be referred to as the anima. The élan vital is the portion of Trinity Theory in which the soul is strengthened. This can strengthen the overall essence of a person by expanding their experiences as a human being, and also by helping one to get in touch with her or his self. The soul can be strengthened and developed through many different methods, such as what we call soul-searching, self-reflection, and any process of getting in touch with the "inner" self. This does not mean that it has to be done alone, and in fact, using a friend can help achieve the same goal.
The mind is one of the three major parts of Trinity Theory. The mind is the portion of Trinity Theory in which knowledge is gained. This gaining of knowledge helps the mind to expand, which will in turn help the overall essence of your being expand, and allow you to be a more complete person. The mind can be progressed through learning and experiencing new things. This can be achieved through meditation, the passing on of information from teacher to student, and by self-study. There are many ways to learn, and anything that expands your mind will help your overall being if you use it the right way.
All three parts of Trinity Theory are continuously improved, and while some of the processes for realizing such have been mentioned, Trinity Theory is not absolute. This means that there are many ways, some unique to one person, some utilized by thousands, to fulfill Trinity. Every person can create their own way through expression of their abilities, and through living the way they like and want to live. This makes Trinity Theory and the ideas contained within very flexible for each individual, which is advantageous, because each reader may understand or perceive the concepts differently.
Trinity Theory has been stated. The quintessence of Trinity Theory has also been stated. Trinity Theory is the combination of the three parts previously mentioned, but it is more daedal than just a few defining characteristics. These three parts are synthesized to create this idea of Trinity Theory, and as such, they are woven together to form a complex web, with each touch on any one coordinate of that web affecting the structure as a whole. This means that while one may be sitting under the shade of an elm tree, quietly reflecting on her or his self, that person's soul will be strengthened, and at the same time, one can have an epiphany of truth, and come to conclusions about what she or he believes in. Another example would be searching inside oneself for answers. Whatever it is that one finds, she or he will have learned something about her or his self through it, thus becoming more accomplished in both the mind and élan vital.
Trinity Theory. Is it an answer to some inner question? Is it a religious inquiry? Is it an exploration of philosophy? Or is it, perhaps, just a simple quest for the truth? The answers are no, no, no, and no. Trinity Theory, at first glance, is all of those things. After a second, meticulous scrutiny, one can see that Trinity Theory can be all those things, but not necessarily is. It can be an answer, an inquiry, a philosophy. It can also be something else. Trinity Theory can be what binds life together, it can be the very foundations of reality, and it can be anything it needs to be. There are no restrictions, no limits, to what Trinity Theory can be applied to. Metaphysics is but one prospect, and only the beginning. Everything, small or large, insignificant or monumental, applies. Trinity Theory is merely an attempt to put substance of thought to the idea of what sentience means.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In Sanity

As one travels through the ether of life, knowledge of the universe and its contents is gained. Sometimes, it is learned through experimentation, sometimes, it is learned through situations that we experience, and sometimes, it is learned through our teachers and mentors passing on their knowledge. The real world has much more to show us, and much we have been shown. There is one piece of the puzzle that holds the rest together. A keystone, if you will. That keystone is our ability to agree on whatever is processed through our minds. What if that was taken away? Everyone would disagree about what they see, and nothing would be definite. If every human had his or her own definition of reality, how would ‘we’ know which one it is? The simple answer: we wouldn’t. Everyone would be living in their own reality, governed by their own laws. To make this easier to understand, we will use our reality as the ‘official’ reality, to compare to. While one person sees and does one thing, another person believes their own reality happened. Even when, according to our current reality, neither happened. That does not matter, of course, to these people, for they in fact have no knowledge of any other reality. Theirs is reality. Does this mean that there is no reality that is concrete? Maybe someone a long time ago got through to another person and at that point, two people believed that reality. Then another. There is power in numbers, and eventually, those numbers grow by their own nature. (According to our reality.) Sanity means, in effect, that you agree with the masses. It means that you ‘go with the flow’ and believe in whatever the masses decide. I am part of it. I believe in what I have deemed the ‘official’ reality. I cannot change that. It won’t happen under my own power. I wish I could, believe me, but I cannot. I can only attempt to change the ‘official’ reality to better fit my wants and needs. The only thing that has proven again and again to help someone change their reality is a truly disturbing event, or careful manipulation of the mind. Something that one cannot handle, or something that conditions it to a change in what was reality, and thus their mind escapes to a different reality. They are considered ‘insane’ by those of us in our reality. They are completely sane to themselves, of course. Now I ask, is it right to call them insane? Are they really? What if something happened, something big, which literally split the populations agreement on what is reality? What if there was a new ‘masses’ and so a new ‘official’ reality? Anyone who didn’t come to agree with the new one would be insane and have to be harbored in an asylum. So who is correct? Here is an example: Old Catholicism. Anyone who didn’t believe the way they determined was insane, or, to use the time’s terminology, a devil worshiper. A demon. An enemy. How is that right? You know what? Those devil worshipers convinced a lot of people of a different ‘reality’ that was better, and more believable to some. So reality changed a bit for some, while for others, it stayed the same, while everyone else was lost to them. This is not right at all. Just because more people agree with it than any other does not mean it is right. How do we know it is real? The answer: We can’t. That is the simple truth to our existence. We cannot determine what is real except by what enters our mind, and therefor reality is tainted. Sanity is not statistical (George Orwell, 1984). There is no way to determine reality for sure. The saying “the world has gone insane” is one-hundred percent true. By the same reasoning, the world has gone sane. Each and every person is sane. Depending, of course, on what perspective you view it. People have the tendency to reject anything that is different, which includes someone believing in something that people believe not to exist. I must ask once more: What happens when a particular piece of reality grows large enough that it can be considered reality, yet not quite everyone agrees with it? Enough so that neither side is powerful enough to consider the rest of them insane? That piece of reality gains a name that the world knows all too well. Religion. No one person can say for the rest whether a particular religion is truth or not. If one were to ever be proven, then anyone still believing in the rest would probably be considered insane. That is our reality. It is a sketchy one, continuously being rewritten by new beliefs that come from diverse minds. I personally envy the one who has his or her own reality. They might have the ability to change it themselves, depending on how it is set up. We can’t change ours. There are too many people participating in this one reality to change it. The only thing is to change the people so it isn’t so bad here. Sanity, my friends, depends on who believe it the most. Who can prove it. Who can convince the populace of it. Who know it. There lies only one more question in need of asking…
What do you believe?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Do you Have the Time?

The times on two celestial bodies will run differently, because the individual bodies’ velocities determine the rate of time flow, due to the equation Δt=Δt’/v[1-(c^2)(v^2)]. This means that while you are on one planet for one hour, less or more time can pass on another relative to whatever your reference frame may be. I believe you know of a great scientist by the name of Albert Einstein. He has given evidence that time between two objects is different when moving in reference to one another. This means that one object will view an event differently than the rest. That concept, that time is different for each object, goes a lot farther in my opinion. You have also heard of a wormhole, no? According to Einstein, a wormhole is a point in space where the space fabric has bent in such a way that two positions, light-years apart in reference to where they are at in the space fabric, are right next to one another. This would imply that it is possible to ‘jump’ through space, bypassing a lot of the distance we would have to travel. Now let me ask you, have you considered the implications of the fact that it may not be only a space fabric, but also a time fabric? In fact, it is easy to view this conceptually. Picture two blankets spread out, one on top of another. The top one is time, and the bottom one is space. They are the fabrics, if you’ll pardon the pun. When the space fabric is bent, the time fabric will bend with it. That is why we can bypass a lot of the time it takes to travel and at the same time bypass a lot of the distance, but that is only when it is bent in the right direction. If you were to put a cone, which would represent a wormhole being formed, underneath both fabrics, the space fabric will bend, as well as the time fabric, allowing us to believe we can shorten the distance between two points as well as the time. Now picture this: Place a cone on top of the bottom blanket, but under the top one. Now we bend time and not space. This might be how one could travel through time but stay on Earth. No distance is traveled, only time. I do not believe it is possible to bend one without the other. My reasoning is that the time has already passed, and the forces that keep the blankets together is too powerful to overcome. I will explain more later in the article. I’ll let you know when we get there.
Now picture these blankets thrown into chaotic limbo, continuously being tossed around, as within a dryer. Some force in the universe must have caused these fabrics to begin their movements. The said dryer, which is representing the universe we live in, continuously spins around, but the actual movement of the blankets inside it is very nearly unpredictable but for an unstoppable tumble. Different parts of the blanket are always touching, and that is how we would supposedly jump between positions in our plane. The time that each world is traveling through stays the same only because the blankets must be attached. That gives sentient beings the ability to measure time, because the past stays in the past, and the future stays in the future, all because the blankets are stuck together. That means that the past cannot be happening in the present right now, rather, it is happening in the past right now. The same goes for the future, though it has not yet been decided upon. It is being decided upon, but in the future, not now. I mean to say that it cannot be decided upon in the present. While we have not determined any information on the edges of our plane in the universe, there are two running theories, both parallel to one another, and I know not which one I favor. I like them both. The first is that these blankets are connected at the edges. This would keep them together, though it would place a limit our plane of existence. The second is a bit more broad (special alert: You are in the midst of a situational and/or theoretical pun. Keep reading.). Picture those same two blankets, not connected at the edges, but tumbling together all the same. Why? I think that it may perhaps be due to what you might consider static cling between blankets in a dryer. Possibly gravity, or maybe some other force, has kept each blanket attached to its match. This theory, as opposed to the other one, allows for an infinitely large blanket. Sounds cozy, doesn’t it?
According to my theory, we now have two chaotically moving fabrics, space and time, that allow us to jump between places in a respectively shorter amount of time, in our own respective plane. So how do we jump between planes, or it may be better said, to a different plane in the same universe? Well, that is explained only in theory, based on what we have evidence on so far. It is the most likely scenario, but nothing can confirm it. Think of your dryer. Why waste energy putting only those blankets in? Why not put more than that one set in there? Place another set. And another, and another, and another, etc. There is an unimaginable amount of room in each dryer, maybe even a whole universe’s worth! That is how we would travel between planes. The blankets aren’t just touching themselves, they converge amongst others as well.
Here we are, as I touched on above. I said I’d let you know when we got to the part where I give my reasoning against time travel, and here it is. Here is the reason why we cannot substantially travel through time, only speed up the flow a tiny bit in reference to another object. Time flows only in one direction, taking us with it like gravity causes an object to fall. The reason time flows in the same direction is easily explained. The dryer only rotates in one direction. It is predictable, yet it causes what we have referred to as chaotic movement. That is why time moves forward. Time travel is very difficult to think possible because the universe has already been through part of its cycle, and hasn’t been to the next part, which has not been decided upon as far as what shall happen.
Time will basically flow the same through all planes, for they are all tumbling in roughly the same cycle. It may differ a little bit, but it won’t change drastically. This causes any traveling at all to a different plane to become an un-perfect science. While you were away from Earth for the last eighteen years, eighteen years have passed on both your current planet and Earth. But while you were gone for only a few hours, only minutes may pass on Earth. In this, you can picture time as though it were a tough bungee cord or spring. It will stretch, but only so far, and it tends to stay in its original form, like time will keep up with itself in all planes. When one time falls a few minutes behind another, it will ‘snap’ back to form. I hope no one stretches it past it’s use. That would not be good.
Ahhh…the conclusion. I love these. It is the one chance you get to thank your readers for suffering through a long and boring article. It is the one chance you have to let them get up from their computer to use the restroom because of laughing too hard. It is the only chance you receive to give your opinion based on no facts whatsoever, but only your personal feelings. Such as the name ‘wormholes’. Who though of this? Worms suck. Whoever named them that fails. I think they should be called moleholes, personally. A wormhole is small, while a molehole would have different ranges of size, and everyone knows that moles are one of the most majestic creatures on Earth. So why wormholes? If you ask me, someone had a few too many josé cuervos during happy hour. Well, the time has already come and gone, so I guess you’ll all just have to suffer with wormholes for now. Haha…Time to go. …adieu…

Friday, April 15, 2011

A girl in a dream...

If I have a dream about a girl, if she's the main focus of that dream, usually I know her. This girl was in a dream I had back in high school. I believe I drew this around sophomore year or so. I don't know who she is. I get the feeling that I somehow know her, but at the same time, I don't. Its as though she's a long lost friend from my childhood. Perhaps she is, and my subconscious recognized her somewhere, causing me to dream about her. But I couldn't tell you. It was difficult to draw her from the remnants of dream memory I retained, so the drawing itself is imperfect. I can tell you, though, I couldn't draw the perfection I remember if I tried. I recorded the dream. It is as follows...

In a plain filled with grass as tall as I was, I am knelt down. I hear a voice calling out my name. It is not particularly urgent sounding, nor is it loud at all, yet it is a great distance away. I slowly stood and looked to the West, where the sun was setting. Two seconds later all that was left there was a footprint as I took off towards the voice I could hear and feel. I sprinted, so free, and felt that I was flying at times. I would leap and bound with each step, covering great distances every time. It was as though I could do anything. I chased after that voice because it meant everlasting peace and happiness, and it was familiar. It was comfort. I flew long and hard to get to where I needed to be, when suddenly I came to a stop near a creek. I took a long drink of water, and stood up. I was unsure of where to go next. I looked around, and saw ahead of me a slight hill. The sun was behind it, turning the sky into the most brilliant display of orange and pink. Standing on the horizon was a girl, and I knew she was the source of everything worth living for. I made my way forward through the grass, but felt myself falling, and the black corners of the dream world were closing in. I had to get to her before it was all gone. Only a few yards away, the grass cleared away, and I saw a beautiful, angelic face staring out at me. I could see the tears making their way down each cheek. We locked eyes, and then the world ended.

I woke up not sure if I should be happy or sad. Instead, I began to write. I drew the picture the next day. I think her name was April. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. I have no way of knowing if she is real, or just my desires manifested inside of a dream. I know only one thing. I will never find her again, in this world or that.

This is Jessica Biel, drawn a couple of years ago.

A picture I drew of Cameron Diaz a few years ago.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fragments of Black

No longer caring for a world cold and desolate
which left me cold and desolate
With pages tearing, the epic tale saw devastation
with my soul tearing, saw my spirit in devastation
The words rushing torrents into a bottomless chasm,
where corpses utter one silent scream
Once an unbound imagination, now fallen into a bottomless chasm,
my mind trapped forever in one silent scream
Light of day by the night swallowed, peace as a glass puzzle shattered
My playful banter by hate swallowed, soft comfort in life shattered
The cold, lifeless machine, monotonously grinding, uncreation its very existence
The very marrow of my chilled bones grinding, with the knowledge of such purposeless existence
In a universe with nothing but black holes of the hearts of man to fill its stygian void,
good times yet to come long gone, giving hearth to the pandemonium brought into being
The woeful boding of terrors from inside life’s colossal void;
these fragments of black are the tattered remains of my quintessential being…

Instrument of Her Love

Pouring heart and soul into the words I give
Wishing she was here so I could only live
Out of my mind I pull strands of thought
Hoping that my passion isn’t all for naught
What clouds I float in sadly I cannot see
Her wings and halo and beauty like the sea
In time with the rhythm her body sways
Fingers striking the notes and music plays
I would hide myself to hide the tear
For her own windows I wish stay clear
The singing bard would forever recount
No other love could compare in amount

Her Silhouette

Though music softly plays nowhere
I see us dancing in the starlight
I cannot see her; just her silhouette

Falling though she is through this heart
Reaching out I might save such beauty
I cannot see her; just her silhoutte

Open before her is my soul
Like a book before a learned man
I cannot see her; just her silhouette

Though I daren't touch perfection
Yearning fills my heart, her voice sounding
I cannot see her; just her silhouette

For in it thus I had fallen
Thrice upon a time my soul cried love
I cannot see her; just her silhouette

So confused with emotion displayed
In sanity I'm losing my mind
I cannot see her; just her silhouette

A heavenly body in space
Dreaming of grace, her angelic self
I cannot see her; just her silhouette

More than the deepest lover would
Mon Élan vital cries out for her
I cannot see her; just her silhouette

Where is she; who is this shadow?
I know her, feel her so real within
I cannot see her; my belle silhouette